Bald Hills Bushies
Barungwarra Bushland Reserve, Bald Hills, Brisbane

Blog - 2021

Next meeting date: Third Saturday of current month

Previous Meetings

Saturday 18th December - - we held our annual Christmas Party at the picnic area at Rushworth Street. Sand Launders, our local councillor attended an also Mick Denton who is the labour candidate for Petrie Saturday 20th November - Our monthly working bee - Our Habitat Brisbane co-ordinator, Jenny Leask, dropped in to discuss what to do with the new area adjoining Spoon Drain Bed 3. A load of topsoil we had delivered several months before has been covered in weeds, making it very difficult to access. We discussed the best course of action, given that the bed is covered in weeds, mainly cobblers pegs . Jenny will arrange for Habitat staff to cover the Cobblers Pegs with a thick layer of mulch, then topsoil, the another layer of Coblers pegs. Saturday 16 October - More work on the new beds - weeding and planting Saturday 18th September - We worked on the two areas where beds have been joined, adding new plants and clearing weeds Saturday 21st August - More work on the new beds. We dumped more mulch onto the area near the footpath beds. These beds were originally separate beds but have now been combined. We were delighted to find 16 self seeded gum trees growing in the bed near the footpath. We staked and protected these trees and put mulch around them. The Barungwarra area is currently very dry and some of our trees are suffering badly. Many of the tree beds have dry looking trees and several have given up and fallen over. Here is an example between the shed and the riverside footpath. Even the Railway bed has not escaped with a large tree toppled over just meters from the tap. Thursday 5th August - Ahoy Coffee meeting postponed because of Covid lockdown. Saturday 17th July - We continued working on the new areas. We planted 18 Liriopes amongst the new trees from last month. Thursday 1st July - Our monthly Ahoy Coffee Co meeting. Saturday 19th June - We worked on several new areas, adding extra mulsh and planting new trees. Trish and Bon worked on the Garden bed, removing cobblers pegs. Thursday 2th June. -our postponed Ahoy Coffee Co meeting. Saturday 15th May - Our monthly meeting a Barungwarra. Wednesday 12th May -Bob attended the biodiversity seminar at the Chermside library. The first speaker was Dr Sandra Tuszynska who is a dynamic advocate for the teeming life below the soil. This was followed by a talk by Helen Schwenke, who is a passionate advocate for insects, a critical part of the food web. Her presentation “Addressing Declining Insect Populations”,was informative and interesting. The final speaker wasT ina Manners, one of Council’s environmental policy officers within the Biodiversity Conservation Team. Tina spoke about Brisbane’s natural habitat cover and condition, Tuesday 11th May - Bob visited the Linkfield Road information booth at Fitsgibbon Community Centre. The project is in the early planning stage and information was limited to the map which has been circulated to local residents. Rebecca from Gateway motorway and Bruce Highway upgrade project was also present and we discussed the location of our Scar tree. Thursday 6th May - Our monthly Ahoy Café meeting. Saturday 14th April - We moved a large quantity of soil to the new area using Bob’s trailer..WE planted several trees in the soil, The plants were supplied by Mick Thursday 1st April Ahoy Café Meeting Saturday 19th March - We began moving soils be wheelbarrow from the soil dump near the Spoon drain to a nearby recently mulched area. The mulch was recently deposited (see Dec 2020 blog page) but was too thin to plant trees. When we have deposited about 300mm of soil, we will begin planting trees. Thursday 4th March - Ahoy Café meeting. Saturday 19th February - Heavy rain caused the working bee to be cancelled. However, it cleared up a bit ;later and some members visited the park and planted some trees which had been grown from plane stock by Mick. Thursday 4th February - the Monthly meeting at the Ahoy Café. Councillor Sandy Launders dropped in to discuss local issues. Saturday 15th January - the monthly working bee at Barungwarra - Clearing of Cobblers Pegs from the Railway Bed. Thursday 7th January - We held out monthly meeting at the Ahoy coffee shop in Bald Hills. .
© B. Clifford for Bald Hills Bushies 2020 Tree beds are referenced by the name used by bushies to identify them. Names and locations of these beds are indicated on the maps.